Badania genetyczne

Molecular karyotype (array CGH)

Molecular karyotype (array CGH)
Test code: aCGH-1

Identification of genome dosage imbalances (aneuploidies, deletions, duplications, unbalanced translocations) with array CGH method 1

Processing Time: Time: up to 6 weeks

Price:  1950.00 zł
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We perform genetic testing from:

Ikona opcji  saliva (the Oragene kit, spitting into a tube is required for sample collection, therefore the kit is not suitable for children under the age of 5)
Ikona opcji  venous blood collected
Ikona opcji  trophoblast
Molecular karyotype (array CGH)
Test code: aCGH-2

Autyzm - identyfikacja niezrównoważenia genomu w loci powiązanych z występowaniem objawów choroby, z zastosowaniem hybrydyzacji genomowej do mikromacierzy 1

Processing Time: Time: up to 6 weeks

Price:  2750.00 zł
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We perform genetic testing from:

Ikona opcji  saliva (the Oragene kit, spitting into a tube is required for sample collection, therefore the kit is not suitable for children under the age of 5)
Ikona opcji  venous blood collected